Kicking 2017 to the Curb

Yup…it’s a bright and shiny new year.  Welcome 2018!


I like the number 18.  It’s a nice, round number.  It’s the day in September I was shoved out into the world 50 years ago.  It’s the age that I took my first hesitant steps into the world of adulting.  A long time ago, I was officially employee 118 at a job I held for the next 13 years.

For the bulk of this year, my youngest son will be 18…taking HIS first wobbly steps into adulthood.  I hope, with a parent’s insite, that the first time adulthood leaps at him and knocks him to his ass, I’ve given him enough tools to get back up and flip disappointment the bird.

I’ll just have to wait and see.

Most years, I firmly resolve to be anti-resolution.  This year, I actually HAVE one, and a sad one at that.

I have to spend some time with my Mom, who’s kidneys are failing.  She’s refusing dialysis, so when they stop, so shall she.

Guess it’s my turn to learn again how to flip off pain…and I have a plan already in place.


Thanks to the chainmaillers group, I have a new form… tiny little angels.


I’m gifting these adorable little beacons of hope, joy, love and patience as widely across the globe as I can.  Many will end up in Art Abandonment packages and scattered across my local area, and I did put up an Etsy listing for them…but these things require a wider reach than my poor car and Etsy sales will allow.

Global…I am not…

So I offer all my regular readers here a gift…the gift of a tiny little angel filled with as much positive mojo as I can build into them…


You’ll note I said gift.  That means no exchange of goods for money…just the angels winging their way (well, with the help of the post office) to your doors…because a banner declaring anything FREEEEEEE! nowadays has people looking for the attached strings.

But I mean it.  You want me to mail you an angel?  Reach me at my Etsy shop with your address, and I’ll get one out to you, because I can’t figure out how to get WordPress to put up a ‘contact me’ page.


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