Applying Foot to Ass…phalt, that is…

My censure of ‘that’ word allowed me to once again pound some pavement this morning.  I got my walking shoes all a-fluster, as they’ve been sitting in the shoe equivalent of the penalty box all winter long.

I just did a hockey reference…I’m so proud of me! 😀

I’m almost afraid, though, that more white stuff is coming.  As I was marching up the lawn in front of my employer, one of my co-workers stopped and watched me take those final steps.  She told me it was a good thing to see me walking again, because that must mean that s***g is coming.  I guess I’m the Robin of work, now.

At least I can blame her if the weather turns again! 😀

I did make a promise a couple of posts ago to take show off some of the old homes around my area – so, dutifully taking a VERY long route home, I snagged a couple of shots.

Row of pointy roofs


First shot…we do so enjoy the turrets in this town.  Here’s a pair of them…one the more traditional round, but a square one right next to it.  Hopefully, there will be green around them soon!







stone cottage



Making my way up College Avenue, here’s a beautifully maintained little stone cottage-type of house.







Painted Lady

Well, I did promise an old Victorian Painted lady…I didn’t want to disappoint.  This is one of the first centurion homes I fell in love with when I moved to Waukesha.






Carrol College

This has to be one of my favorite shots of the day…the sky was such a rich blue, and the building, while a newer one (I think) mirrors the older stone all around the college area.





All in all, I think the walk home was a good 2 miles and change to go through the Carroll College area.  I can’t wait to take ya’ll down some of the other residential streets in my town 😀


Peg-sters Dictionary

Well, I am a sucker for vocabulary, after all.  When I was younger and stuck in the middle of a cornfield in Iowa, I rifled through the dictionary for fun.

It was either that, or watch the corn grow…

From time to time, I go through this considerable assemblage of large words bouncing around in my cerebral cortex, and add or subtract vocabulary constructs from my personal dictionary of curse words.

I’ve decided to add a new word to the list of four-letter words too vile or repulsive to ever be typed, spoken, or otherwise acknowledged.

This is serious bidness, folks.  I didn’t think I’d ever put a season in there.

That time of year when we finally shake off the snow and cold, and celebrate the beginning of the growing season will no longer be a mention-able word.  Because every time I type out the word that is the same as a tightly coiled micro-slinky of wire, Mother Nature gets wind of me being all hopeful and dumps more freaking SNOW on me.

This latest storm started Saturday afternoon, shifting from rain in the morning to rain/ice mix in the afternoon to full blown flakage in the evening.  All of Sunday was more white drifting stuff on and off, and it was STILL snowing this morning!

You gotta draw the proverbial line in the sand (well, OK…SNOW) somewhere…




Notice of Retraction

I must needs print a retraction on one of my earlier posts:  Art Abandonment Project:  9th drop

I CLEARLY remember typing out that Wisconsin only had 2 seasons.  I have realized, now, the depth of my mistake.  We don’t have 2 seasons…we have 11, as illustrated in the below meme.

I can only apologize profusely at my serious lapse in judgement here at the T&T, and beg the readership to accept my word that it will NEVER happen again.

ALL the seasons

Coloring Within the Lines

I’ve been busy with the little piece of demon-tech I call my phone.  I still maintain having a toler/hate relationship with the plastic bastard…but he does have a bit of charm.

It’s all in his lens.

The leaves are turning here in guitar-town.  I figured I’d share a bit of pretty with you guys today…

A color through the windscreen



My pictures are still ‘prune-y’

I manage to take a shot like this a couple of times a year.  There’s just something about the wooziness of water on the glass of the windshield of my  car that screams “YES” to my photographic eye.  I love the way the water wrinkles the shot.









A Rust and red leaves




Before you get the thought that everything is wet & gloomy, however…here’s another favorite of my settings.  The iron fence surrounding the big cemetery in town always provides an interesting foreground when fall colors come out.






A Black berries



Someone with more knowledge of plant life is gonna have to tell me what these berries are.  They’re pretty to look at, contrast nicely against the pink leaves, but I’ve no idea what they’re called…outside of photogenic…







a Tall grasses


The people who planned out the decorative elements of the Fox River Walkway loved this prairie grass – it’s everywhere.  It grows long and proud up here, and gives the walkway users a touch of separation between the walk and the downtown parking areas.  It also photographs nicely when backed by the sun.









A Through the Ring





Decorative iron is so much fun to use in photography.  This is also taken along the Fox River Walkway.









a heart in spiderweb


Am I the only one who see the heart in the middle of this spiderweb?  I’m guessing if the spider who wove this had more time, and good command of the English language, he’d have finished with with an “I” above the center, and “Flies” underneath.


Winter is Coming


Yup.  I done it.  I stole the title of this blog post straight out of G.O.T.

But it’s not about the ever popular Game of Thrones, although I did become enough of a fan this summer to put the published books on my Kindle.

Should be a couple months of reading, at least…

I can feel it coming.  Winter, that is…not dragons or the Night King…

Chainmaille Dragon upback side


Well…maybe dragons…I’m still writing out a tutorial for my fellow Chainmaille Addicts…


I feel it every year, with varying intensity.  As summer slips into Autumn, this seasonal change plays merry havoc with my sensibilities.

Every year.

I feel the shift from growth to winter prep.  The trees, the grass, the bushes … everything shifts its focus.

I feel the heaviness.  I need more sleep.  I get very introspective, and start digging along the dark paths in my head.

It’s going to be a long winter here in Wisconsin based on how early this Autumn shift hit me…and the leaves haven’t started changing yet.  I’ll try not to get too dark and introspective here on the T&T.

Tree old photo