Sunshine Blogger Award

Dawn Photos 004

My All-time FAVORITE sunshine shot

I’ve an award!

My favorite demon-runner nominated me for this prestigious award, and I’ve had a great time visiting her little slice of the interewebz.  Go have a read, I promise it will be worth it!  Outrunning My Demons

As for the Sunshine Blogger Award?  Yea, it’s one of those bouncing blog posts that cycle through the ‘net, full of questions to be answered and more to be asked.   The ‘rules’ are simple, if one wishes to follow them:

Here are the rules for being nominated…

  • Thank the blogger that nominated you in the post and link back to their blog
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you
  • Nominate 8-11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award Logo on your post and/or in your blog

Usually, I take a browse through the questions, and if something pokes the goofy muse, we dutifully apply fingers to keyboard.  So, congrats, (not)Alissa…you woke the sleepy one, who quickly downed an entire pot of coffee and started digging through movie posters in search of answers, because after all that caffeine, she was too twitchy to type properly.

I was asked…

1. What is your favorite topic to blog about?

Anything and everything I come into contact with is potential blog-fodder…so I write about life…all life, not just the alien kind, although I’m certain there are certain celebrities who’ve forged their birth certificates to more closely resemble humans…





2. Do you prefer salty or sweet?

Wave crispy, salty, starchy snacks in my face, and I fold like an origami sculpture.  I have no defense against the humble potato.






3. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

Don’t ask me about the weather, the traffic, the news or politics, and I won’t have to pretend I didn’t hear your opening salvo into that dread social contrivance called small talk.  Seriously, I’d rather endure non-anesthetized invasive surgery while listening to Beethoven’s 9th symphony being whistled off key.




4. Where is your number one place you would like to visit?

I have to give co-thanks to Steve Martin and my 4th grade teacher, with an additional nod to the Egyptian National Museum for allowing King Tut to get out of his dusty tomb/exhibit and travel the world, for my absolute OBSESSION with all things ancient Egyptian…so if anyone out there is willing to spring for tickets/lodging/meals/passport documentation/ immunizations any some discretionary spending funds…I’ll be the first on the first plane heading out there.  I’ve got the extra vacation time, because I NEVER GO ANYWHERE.



5. Where is the most beautiful place you have ever traveled to?
I say again:  I NEVER GO ANYWHERE.  My last ‘adventure’ was the funeral in February, travel time >2 hours.  I simply don’t travel well.

Been to some pretty locations in this state, however.  The Dells (as long as you veer away from the tourist traps), up the thumb, and the Chippewa Valley are all jam-packed with some awesome vistas.  And…if you’re like me and love water, come spend some time with me meditating along the Fox River or on the banks of Lake Michigan.  Leave the Speedo at home, though, because they MEAN it when they say “Cooler by the Lake.”


6. If you were forced to pick one…Are you beauty, brawn, or brains?


Actual quote from me before coffee….







7. What is your birth order?

I am 3rd.  I was the most awesomest child in the entire world…the one that the parents decided was the perfect child and that they couldn’t improve on with future offspring…until my little brother came along and foiled this joke.

I’ve spent the remaining years of my life becoming the hugest pain in the ass the family has ever seen.

Maybe my weirdness is because I’m a Sidhe changeling?


8. What book/movie closely resembles the story of your life?


OK, I’ll admit…the muse and I argued back and forth over this one…so we decided to add them both to this answer.  The first, because it’s as apt as apt can get in this day and age, and the second because Weird Al is my idol.


How can you NOT love a guy who’s made his way through life absorbing the artistic creations of his peers, then improving them with a healthy dash of Weird?


9. What is the temperature outside right now?

This may have the letters G, I, N, P, R, and S arranged in an order I have refused to type out, but I didn’t officially TYPE the letters in that order.  And, there are other letters jammed right up against them, so I’ve managed to keep the ban against that word intact.

According to the Wunderground, it is 56 degrees and sunny.  Should make a fantastic walk home tonight.  I think the slinky has officially started down the stairs here in Wisconsin.



10. What is the last thing you ate?

I’ve followed the Ketogenic style of eating for almost 2 years, now…so the bacon should come as no surprise.  I have a few slices every morning, coupled with a hard boiled egg and a slice of low-carb bread, and wash it all down with a large cup of coffee with cream.

Any ‘diet’ that encourages the consumption of bacon is a diet I can stick to.




11. What is your favorite hobby?

Unless you literally fell into my blog last night, you’ll know that I have an obsession with twisting little metal jump rings into slinky, twisty, comical and sometimes extremely colorful patterns.

In my world, chainmaille is not just a hobby, it’s a deeply held conviction that life could be better if everyone just wore handmade chains.




Nominees to continue the madness?  Well, this is the part I normally don’t like to do, because it sounds way too much like assigning homework to an unlucky student.  Blogging is supposed to be fun and spontaneous – not a chore.  If this wasn’t fun, I wouldn’t have maintained the T&T for the 4 (?) years I’ve been pounding the keys developing it.  But still….there are a couple of vict…er…bloggers out there I’m dying to spread a little sunshine to.  So…without further ado…I’d like to award little patches of sunshine to:

Hello Dearest Hurricane
Danseur Ignobile
The Shameful Sheep
Fatty McCupcakes

Patience of Willow

The Real Reality Show Blog


You guys are ALL awesome bloggers, and I’m pleased as punch to browse the dusty corners of your respective webspaces.

So here…satisfy my curiosity…and feel free to skip any questions that require the use of a slide rule, advanced mathematics or a crystal ball.

  1. make me the yummiest sammich to ever grace a plate.
  2. Do you like your handwriting?
  3. After that glorious morning pee, what’s the first thing you do?
  4. If you have 20 apples and some bully comes along and bruises half of them in New York, how long does it take the train travelling to Albuquerque to make a savory picnic pie from the remains?
  5. Tell me what’s in your iPod/MP3 player playlist, or the CD in your car stereo right now?
  6. Keeping with the music theme…shuffle or straight through albums?
  7. How soon after the advance ticket sales did you buy your seats for the opening night of Avengers: Infinity Wars?
  8. Have you watched all the other Marvel Universe movies in preparation for this event?
  9. Why won’t WordPress let me skip a number in this numbered list?
  10. Boxers or briefs (or other, I totally won’t judge!)?
  11. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
  12. What makes you unique?


Have fun with it…can’t wait to see what ya’ll come up with 😀


More Salty Goodness


I flitted through the dread spam filter again, just because I was slightly terrified of recent home events, and needed the distraction.  The spammers kinda disappointed.  There was the usual offerings of little blue pills to get my dick hard, hot Russian wives, and word vomit.

I still can’t believe there are THAT many rant generators on the ‘web.  Check out this one for machine-existentialism:  New Age BS Generator 


and then…there was this little piece:

ᎳE WILL.? They eacһ shouted and they ran to the bed room
bickering about who gets to go firѕt.

This…I can actually use.  It’s the perfect opening sentence for a flash fiction piece.

That particular muse is, right now and at this very moment, yawning and demanding bacon and coffee.  She needs breakfast (and a LOOOOONG shower) before getting back to work, but she’s been in hibernation for quite some time, so should be equal to the task.

Rose lineup Flash Fiction


Don’t Tell ANYONE!

Especially the little old lady who’s in charge of the weather…I’ve come to the time in my year when I start obsessively watching the weather…


And I’ve got a couple of days this week where I should be able to hoof it to work again!


Yea, I’m pretty excited at the prospect of once again pounding the pavement before and after I spend 8 hours in an office chair staring at the spreadsheets from hell.

One of the nicer hells, though…not the 7th…

So watch this space…you never know what I’m gonna find when I’m out in the wild 😀


journey copy

I did a BAAAAAD thing…

I’ll admit it..I messed up.  To use a certain spray-on tanned celebrity’s words, I messed up bigly.


I was bragging about spring ’round these parts.  How wonderful it was to be able to get out and walk again, spend some time connecting with the Natural, get some fresh air, enjoy a bit of sunshine.

Mother Nature must read my blog, because SHE was not amused.



Sorry Wisconsin…TOTALLY my fault




Every December, WordPress puts little flakes of snow on my blog.  They drift, they dangle, they electronically attempt to put everyone in ‘the mood’ for the Holiday season.

I tend to ignore these things when they happen, because the beginning of every winter is my biggest time of denial.

I refuse to accept the existence of the fowl white stuff, therefore, it canNOT be snowing right now.

OK…so it never really works, but a girl’s gotta try, no?

So, it’s snowing in WordPress, the same as it’s snowed on WordPress the last three Decembers I’ve hosted my blog here…am I just THAT slow that it’s taken me THIS long to realize the snow drops in the direction you drag your mouse?

And yes…I played with it for far longer than was probably appropriate, given my age.  I still take great glee in popping virtual bubble wrap, too.


Sir Spam-a-lot

I have officially been ‘threatened’ with spam.

This would have shown up in the comments on my Adventures in Goodwill post had the spam filters not caught it:

This means YOU, personally, really should weight your words SERIOUSLY f z f, and I strongly advice you to delete this written defamation i c v c of both characters and a huge group of people who do not take slander and character assassination like this easily l b y t s. I do not know which organization you have got to back you up, but if you do not care about lawsuits in the multi-million dollar range, fine, just keep on what you are doing c b n c x. If you DO care about spending x-amounts of money to try and defend this CLEARLY written libel, then take my DELETE-advice. Your “Post” is now officially taken both copies and screen-shots of and digitally stored for later use and evidence. This is just a warning. We are antifa, we do not forget.


I wonder – did they

  1. Find the leather pants in my size as horrific as I did?  Imagine the blowback if I’d posted of picture of me actually WEARING them?
  2. Become jealous over my acquiring black & orange striped socks?
  3. Rush down to their local Goodwill in search of Twister pants, and not find them?


The world may never know?


7 Days of B&W Photography

A new challenge popped up on Facebook recently…and it was one of those that I jumped at.

7 days in a row.  All black & white photos of your daily life.  No excess wordage, no cutesy phrases or long-winded explanations on why the photo came about…just the photo.  No people, no selfies, no pets.  Just scenes or situations or objects.  Of course, with most of these social media things these days, the request was ALSO to tag a person to join in.

Well, I didn’t do that.  I generally don’t do that.  But I did go through the 7 days, and actually added an 8th.

I’m gonna share out my week of B&W now, for your viewing pleasure…and if anyone feels the need to do a shot-a-day, I’d love to see the results 😀

day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7Day 8



Brain Wanderings

Just a couple of random thoughts here…


The powers that be are in rearrangement mode at work.  About half the office population are moving their desks, papers, and computers to new offices or cubicles.  Thankfully, I’m NOT one of the ‘lucky’ ones who get new digs…I just get to observe everyone packing up their offices and unpacking in a new location.

I hate moving with a passion.



Last week, when the big stuff got shuffled around, a metal desk or file cabinet or something was being rolled down the hallway, and it sounded like a slinky…which gives me the opportunity to share this!

You know how HARD it was to incorporate a slinky into a blog post??? 


Naturally, posting such a meme has had repercussions – I’ve been cursed with the earworm from hell ever since I typed the word slinky…and now, you will too.

You’re welcome… 😀

Over here in the ‘not singing about metal springs’ category…yesterday, on the walk home, I stopped for a photo shoot.  Not Earth-shattering, I know, but this was a weirder than normal even for me shoot, involving an unusual backdrop and a rather common-place item as the focal.

Yes, I’m being vague on purpose, as this is for an up-and-coming blog post once I get the photos out of my phone and into my computer…

The weird part?  There was a lady out walking her dog, and she’d taken a brief pause on the park bench in the same location.

So…I did something very odd and attention-getting IN FRONT OF A STRANGER.  This is soooooo NOT wallflower/blend into the background me I just had to share.

And you’ll get the rest of the story once I finish the pictures – so STAY TUNED.

Batman & Robin copy

Spam…the Amazing Meat in the Little Blue Can

For some odd reason, I’ve become obsessed with my spam filters.  Just today, I cleaned out probably a dozen quarantined posts for payday loan sharks.

If anyone deserves the nation’s ire – it’s these outfits.  These are the guys who prey on those whom life has handed a big pile of shit, pretending to be their salvation just before they charge an arm and a leg for a slice of tasteless white sandwich bread to tuck all that shit into.

If the riots come down hard & heavy in this country, I hope these places are some of the first to fall.

sorry…venting…all better now…


Anyway – I got a real gem from my spam filter, and had to share…

Businesses are erasing the boundaries between nations and
as a fruit, communication with the requisite portion in expanding your
reach as entrepreneur. Communication, in this be important, is the wit to spell out between any cant yoke there is and the transfer services boom has made it
steady easier. You valid be suffering with to persuade sure-fire the circle you trust your transference offers legitimate accommodation,
which can be verified through checking the reviews of the
fastidious one.

Not sure what they’re trying to sell me here – but if I hover over their little link, the screen shot that comes up is coded 403-forbidden.

I’m almost certain they’re either trying to get me engaged to some hot Russian woman, or have some little blue pills to sell that will get my dick hard.

It’s gonna take more than pharmaceuticals for that to happen, people…


Spam…salty breakfast of Champions!

I occasionally browse my spam filter…usually when I’m bored, tired of games and facebook and general web browsing, or I’m frustrated with a chainmaille build.

Or sometimes…just ’cause…

Today – I peeked in the spammage…and came up with this gem for a user name:


Donald trump forming Convervative cannabis lobby

Now…I try my damnedest to keep politics off the T&T – there are plenty of other blogs out there who regularly churn out their take on the political landscape.  If that’s your thing, more power to ya.

But this was just too good not to share.  Hope it brings as much giggles to you as it did to me.
