These Shoes are Made for Walkin’


I LOVE my crazy socks

This is it…

I’ve been watching the weather for the past 2 weeks – waiting for the temperatures to rise in the morning.

I’ve got a backpack to stuff all my work stuff in, so I don’t have to carry things in my hands.

The iPod will be on the charger Sunday night…

Because Monday, it’s supposed to be in the 40’s at 7am, without the threat of rain.

I’m walking to work 😀

Funny, how I’m actually excited about this.  Me.  The person who, just a year ago, had serious worries about my heart bursting through my chest by walking A BLOCK to get to my car…is gonna walk over a mile…

in the morning…

before the coffee has kicked in…

and then work a full day, turn around, and walk home.

Who am I, and what have I done with myself????



When the Romance is Over


Something just dawned on me.

**Cue celestial music**

I rifled through my mailbox yesterday, standing in the hall, like I always do.  I pulled out the obvious advertisements and marketing come-on’s, and stuffed them in the recycling bin conveniently placed right next to me, just like clockwork.  Better than having to haul that paper up the stairs so I can toss it in the comfort of my apartment.

Well, yesterday, one of the things I pitched was an advertisement for Catherines.  It’s a clothing boutique-y place in this area that caters to ‘women of size.’

Last time I was in Catherines, in January (I got a gift card), I couldn’t find a thing that fit me.  I ended up getting some socks.  Since then, I’ve been tossing the brightly-colored light cardstock in the recycling without noticing anything other than the name.

In short…I’ve shrunk myself straight outta the woman’s equivalent of ‘Big & Tall’ stores.

YEA, ME!!!      All praises to Ketosis!

Sorry, Catherine(s)…It’s not you…it’s me.   The magic just isn’t there anymore…


**should I send flowers?**

The Art Abandonment Project – 2nd Drop

Art Abandonment logo

Soooo…there’s this group of people all around the world.  They’re artists, and their fervent wish is to spread a little beauty around this deeply troubled world.

I joined ’em.

My first drop was around two weeks ago – I went to one of the coffee shops in downtown Waukesha, and left a little dude behind.  I hope he’s brought a smile to the face of whomever adopted him.


Whirly Birds


This week, I packaged up 4 of my whirlys.  Two were dropped in Brookfield last Monday night, 3.20.17, due to an amazing coincidence with my recent post on hot dogs.



It’s pretty standard in the human mind, that once you bring a thing to mind, you mull over that recollection for days.  You might have dreams about it, you might want to re-live the entire scenario again in your head (selectively editing the situation in your imagination now that you know better…) or, if the recollection involves food – you’ll experience a fresh craving for it.

Well… I wrote my little ditty on hot dogs.  Mind you, I didn’t want the ketchup-flooded disaster of the past… I wanted some GOOD dogs.

Coarse grind, natural casings, a bit spicy, and a REALLY good grainy mustard to go with.

The kids came home from a trip to the grocery store that fateful Monday.  S announced she NEEDED hot dogs…but not the industrial sausages pumped out by the big food manufacturers…she needed the dogs they sell at our local Brennan’s.

Which just happen to be (yup…you guessed it…) the good dogs.

It was a good night.  Brennan’s always has a bunch of samples set up all over the store – various sauces, fresh veggies & fruits, and cheese.  It’s what they do.

Heart Whirly Bird Abandoned 3.20.17


So I got snacks at Brennan’s.  I got Mmmmmm-dogs.  Some spectacular grainy mustards…and an opportunity to stick a whirly on a tree lining the parking lot for the AA Project.




Open Whirly Bird Abandoned 3.20.17


Because the Brennan’s is in the same strip mall as Kopp’s Custard, (oh…look at that…I’ve also mentioned them!) I also got a pint of frozen custard for the SQO, and stealthily slipped into the dining area to hide a second whirly amongst their planters.




I like spreading smiles about my area.


Stop Dragon my Heart Around

Chainmaille Dragon Face close in

I’d like to introduce you all to my new pet, Drags.  He’s completely housebroken, will never dig up the back yard, hork a hairball in the middle of the hallway, or jump on your chest at 3am because he wants his food bowl filled.

I made a dragon out of chainmaille, and I’m bouncing between extremely pleased with myself, and disgusted with the amateurish results.

See – I look at the form, and see the flaws.  The back legs stick out JUUUUUST a bit too much.  The top-most scale likes to stick straight up, giving the guy an almost comical look.  He’s got a little bit of mutt and horse in him – I can see the alternate animal forms clearly.

the feet…are.  not.  claws.  Instead, he has cloven hooves.

And…really.  If he’s gonna be a DRAGON – he needs wings.

But I also look at the form, and see something wonderful.  The first time I’ve made an extremely complex 3D sculpture out of rings.

Without a tutorial.

He stands on his own.  His neck and body hold their shape.  He’s much more than a tube of interconnected bits which lay quiescent on a surface until you pick them up and arrange them with your hands.

The scary part?  Even though he’s a prototype with a multitude of errors in his construction – I’ve got friends at work who swear up and down they NEED one …. NAOW.

I do geek well.  One of my favorite geek-obsessions is the dragon.  It doesn’t matter if the form is European or Chinese – Fantasy or Tribal – I love ’em all.

I’m not alone.  I’ve seen a bunch of variations of dragons in maille since I took up pliers and started weaving rings…and what I’ve seen are variations on the same tutorial pattern out there on both the M.A.I.L. website and for sale at The Ring Lord.   Almost all the maille dragons I’ve seen images of on the web are unwired, meaning they flop about like any other chainmaille chain.  Most are completely snake-like without any limbs, although a few people have added stubby little sub-chains to suggest them.   I think I’ve seen one or two where the creators added a fan of scales to suggest wings…but nothing really SCREAMS dragon.

So I did my own thing.

I posted pictures of his construction on Facebook, of course – and everyone there seemed to enjoy his emergence.  So…with that in mind…I’m sharing here how my first boyo came together:




I started with 2 identical lengths of Full Persian 6 in 1 (FP).  I attached the two together with a modified European 4 in 1 (E4-1) for the belly, and bound up the top half with shiny silver scales.

THAT…was the easy part.  A tube with scales.



The head – is a mess of weirdness.  Small patches of E6-1, box, the same eye construction I used for the face of the Dudes, and various random rings to stitch the piece together and attach to the body.  As I was building the head, I was also taking some good notes.  I should be able to duplicate the head at will.


chainmaille Dragon on sideOnce I had the head attached to the body, I threaded a length of copper wire through both the head and the body.  Secured it at the mouth and ass.  No floppy dragons here – he’s gonna be posable.

The tail is a simple length of FP again, with some scales at the tip.  At this point, I haven’t wired the tail, but I’m considering it for future builds.


The legs were tricky.

First, I spent a couple of hours playing with the cats (so they wouldn’t suspect I was staring at them) – because I needed to see actual legs -in action- on a 4 legged animal.  I wanted to know how they were attached.  How they were jointed.  How they flexed and flowed and were used for work and play.

I spent additional hours looking at images other people had drawn of dragon legs…but it wasn’t as much fun as playing with the furballs.

Slowly, the bends in the limbs started to form.  The weave I used for the legs is a fairly simple 4-ring bead capture…with some additional ring-weirdness at the joints.  I strung additional wire through the beads (and, thus, through the legs) for stability.  The guy can’t stand on his own with weak legs!

I think I tore off the front legs 3 times.

20170202_112156Now came the toes.  I tried several variations of wire-form feet that died on the craft table before ever coming in contact with Drags, and ended up with stubby toes with the beads shown.  I am still working on proper clawed appendages for the dragon at this point.

His brothers…WILL…have claws.


Don’t worry – the design is still in various stages of modification.  Horns, claws & wings are all ideas at this point…as is a full Chinese style dragon.

Stay tuned for more dragon work!

Chainmaille Dragon Final 2



Attack of the Killer Sidewalk


I was accosted last night, on leaving the movie theater (the SQO wanted to see Kong:  Skull Island again) by a patch of pavement.

I think it must have been tired of all the people walking on its face.  I know I’d be irritated if, all day and all night long, there were people walking all over me.

I get enough of that at work, TYVM….


I really DO feel sorry for the sidewalk.  It gets frozen in the winter, with just brief glimpses of sunshine to warm its stony heart.  It gets covered in snow, and then rudely scraped of this insulating layer of semi-moisture.  Most times, it gets salt thrown over it, which is allowed to dry out its surface.  And always…feet.  Hundreds, if not thousands, of pairs of feet in boots, soft soles, and the damn stiletto heels pounding on its face over and over and over again.

Summers aren’t much better.  Baked to egg-frying temperatures by the sun.  Rained on.  Sometimes watered in the cool summer mornings by groundskeepers intent on keeping the grass green.  Used (and abused) by skateboarders and roller-bladers, rolled over by bikes & wagons & strollers.  Tickled in the belly by subterranean bugs and weeds determined to punch through.

It ain’t easy…being a sidewalk.

I’m sure it took my inattention of my surroundings as the perfect opportunity to get even.


For those of you confused by my words…here’s the simpler version…I fell down and went boom.

Actually, I clearly recall saying Oh, Shit…but I digress…


I scared the shit outta the SQO.  I also frightened two innocent bystanders into showing concern.  Chivalry isn’t dead in this country after all.  The one lady behind me was thoughtful (and brave, given my feet) enough to retrieve my shoe, and the other one helped me gather up my keys (the mass of chain, rings and keys separated into 3 different portions).  Between them, D, and myself, I was once again put in an upright and bipedal position.  I managed to finish the walk to my car, drive home, and go up the stairs to the front door.

Oddly enough, today…I do not have any bruises.  I have muscular aches all along my left leg, and my left palm is VERY sensitive…but no bruises to show for this brutal attack on my sorry self.

And I’ll offer this tidbit of advice for all you carefree walkers out there –

Watch out for those sinister sidewalks – you never know when one is gonna rise up and exact a bit of revenge…


Black Mirror

Just this morning, I read a post.

Not Earth-shattering, by any means.  I read a good number of other bloggers out here on the ‘net – sometimes for the laughs, sometimes for the inspiration, sometimes because I genuinely click with the other writer, sometimes because I WANT to know more of the other blogger’s viewpoint.

And sometimes, to be perfectly honest here, it’s for the reciprocal views.  Kind of an unspoken yet understood ‘pact’ between bloggers.  I read yours, you read mine.

It’s all about the numbers.

This particular blogger had mentioned that people who post holiday pictures every five minutes aren’t on a very good vacation…and it got me to thinking of the episode titled:  Nosedive from Netflix’s series ‘The Black Mirror.’


For those of you unfamiliar with this series, it’s a British, Twilight Zone-esque series.  Each episode is a stand-alone, centered around modern society and the unanticipated effects modern technology has wrought/will wreak upon society.

From the show’s Wiki page:

“each episode has a different cast, a different setting, even a different reality. But they’re all about the way we live now – and the way we might be living in 10 minutes’ time if we’re clumsy.”

Believe me when I say the writers, directors and cast haven’t pulled any punches on how things could go if we stay on our current path.

The episode that sticks in my head, if only because I can see society GALLOPING headstrong and arrogantly down the path which leads to the portrayed future, is Nosedive.

Imagine…if you will…

A world in which every action and interaction you partake in is tabulated in a single, master social-internet platform which society has initiated compulsory attendance.  Anyone not high on the popularity scale is deemed fair play for discriminatory practices by the popular ones.

Imagine your entire life centered around your rating.  Those with low ratings have predatory rental rates, refused services, employment difficulties.

It’s as if the A list from high school (yaknow…the ‘popular’ kids) was put in charge of everything in society, and now wields enough power to actively suborn those they look down upon from their pillars on high.

The episode continues to draw me in – it’s one I’ve watched easily a dozen times already.  Each time I view (or listen, with my nose buried in a chainmaille piece) I seem to catch some new nuance or bit of buried irony I’d missed before.


In this bleakly-painted yet oddly happy-pastel colored dystopian future – I know where I’d rate…right there in the same driver’s seat as the old lady in the truck.

If you’ve access to Netflix – I suggest you look up this single episode.  It’s Episode #1, Season 3.




The Art Abandonment Project – First Drop

Last summer, I found a project/group/page buried under the political quagmire you find flooding a typical day’s feed on Facebook:

The Art Abandonment Project.

This group has a very focused, and blindingly simple mission:

Make a bit of art …

package that bit of art against the elements …

with a card that says:  FREEEEEEE! ….

abandon your creation in a public place…

That’s it.  No strings attached – No advertising come-on’s  –  No pressure.  Only the project’s name, that they’re on Facebook, and an email address if the findee’s want to let the group know where the orphan landed are included on the FREEEEEEEEEEE!!!! card.

In short – it’s pay it forward, with physical art.  I absolutely LOVE this idea, as it allows the fates to intervene as they will, and place a bit of beauty in the hands of someone who needs it.

The group love to share photos of their abandoned pieces, along with a little story of where they left it, in case those findee’s want to find it on the web.


I formally joined the group a bit ago…


And today – I’m ready – to drop my first piece.

Chainmaille Dude

I hope the fates put this little fella in the hands of someone who needs some sunshine.



The Dog Days of Disaster


This is a special little request from Maggie over at The Zombies Ate my Brains

Hot dogs.

In the US – the hot dog can be just about anything.  Technically, it’s a thin cylinder of ground meat – usually a blend of a couple different proteins –  various flavorants and binders, heated until cooked through, then slapped on a thicker tube of sliced, baked bread product before being garnished with the consumer’s choice from a cornucopia of sauces, veggies and seasonings.

historyofchicagodogWe have the world-famous Chicago-style Red-Hots… This is an all beef dog, white-bread bun with poppy-seeds baked into the top, garnished with sweet pickle relish, onions, mustard, tomato, a dill pickle spear, sport peppers and just a shot of celery salt.

They take their dogs seriously in the windy city…


We also have your ‘Gourmet-blend’ dogs –  which are ‘flavored with a bounty of the freshest herbs and spices,’ have a ‘special coarse-grind blend of the finest cuts of beef and pork,’ and come in an all-natural casing… served hot and steamy on a 7 grain ‘artisan’ bun, lovingly topped with a generous portion of garlic-and-Parmesan aioli.


l278978301In the tiny town of Waterloo, WI – they have a festival around dogs called Weiner & Kraut days.  Every man, woman and child within a 5 county radius descend on this small town for an entire weekend to devour all the hot dogs they can eat, with as much sourkraut, mustard and onions as can be (un)reasonably crammed atop the bun.

They use the collected gastro-emissions to power the town all winter long.


We have your standard, mass-produced industrial sausages – sold with catchy jingles, cartoon-dogs dancing the night away, and, if you’re lucky, you might just get a Weenie-whistle from the spokes-Weenie-wagon as it passes through your home town.

But only if you can sing the jingle…

Hell, we Wisconsinites even tied the hot dog to our Baseball team.  At any Brewer’s game throughout the season, the half-time show includes the Klement’s Sausage Races.


Look at them Weenies RUN!

Everywhere, throughout the States, you can find this ubiquitous processed meat-product.  They’re in convenience stores on the special roller-grills.  They’re in concession stands in parks, stadiums, fairgrounds, and all your better tourist traps.  Hell, in the bigger cities, there are even these little carts that some guy pushes around on the street – dogs on the go, for those on the go…anytime…anyplace!

And…of course – every day the temperature reaches above 50 degrees in this state – you can bet your last dollar that some fella has fired up the grill in the backyard to flame-roast these special little tube steaks in an attempt to blot out the memory of winter.


I prefer my hot dogs coarse grind, natural casing, slightly spicy, with a good, grainy mustard and plenty of raw onions.  Occasionally, I’ll go for either chili or sourkraut – but I gotta be in juuuuuuuuuuust the right mood.

the Wasband, on the other hand, worships ketchup.  In his mind, that shit goes on everything.  Dogs?  Ketchup.  Enough to float the Titanic.  Steak?  Ketchup.  Enough to kill the taste.  Fish?  Ketchup.  Enough to make the breading soggy.  He likes his ketchup with a sprinkling of french fries, and adds the vile stuff to chili.  He’s the only person I’ve ever seen take one of the little ketchup packets given out by any take-out restaurant, tear the foil, and suck the package dry.


I personally disliked ketchup before I went keto.  Now…you might as well just sit with the sugar bowl and spoon the crystallized stuff directly into your mouth while sucking on a tomato.

It’s.  That.  Sweet.

But to the Wazband – ketchup is not a condiment.  It’s a vegetable…and one that needs to be consumed in mass quantities at every meal.

On one of our day vacations, we went to one of the summer water-park tourist traps in the area.   We spent the day frolicking in the huge pool of antiseptically-clean water, appropriately themed  with fiberglass statues and carefully selected plants interspersed through and around the concrete walkways with an estimated 209,000 other people who had the same idea.

For me…this was the perfect opportunity to work on my sunburn.  Nothing turns my pale skin the color of a freshly boiled lobster faster than spending time in the center of a gigantic, sunlight-reflecting pool of water.

For the record, I have two skin tones…red and white.  There are no shades of brown in between.

We splashed in the shallows, rode innertubes in the wave pool, and stood in line for the water slides, the toilets, the single patch of shade hidden in the middle of this concrete jungle.

When tummies started growling, we ducked out of the water to stand in line for one of the multitude of vendor stands surrounding the park.

Their specialty was ‘The Best Damn Hot Dogs in the Dells…’

By this point, I swear my skin was audibly sizzling…and a table opened up IN THE SHADE.  I rattled off a very simple order to the Wazband, and ran to claim the table before I burst into active flame.


He brought to the table our Cokes, two orders of fries, and a plate full of ketchup.  He swore to me there ware actual hot dogs, in buns, under the red goop.

I bit my tongue.

Counted to 10.

Bit my tongue again.

Selected an even higher number.

Chomped on that sucker a third time….just in case.

And asked – deadpan:  ‘Why is there an ocean of ketchup on my hot dog?’


He hadn’t considered, even though we’d been a couple for at least a decade at this point, that I despise ketchup.  He’d dressed the dogs to his preference without any thought.

I ate a lot of fries that afternoon.  He ate the hot dogs.  There was no saving them from the red menace.

NEVER leave a man alone with your hot dog.  They can’t be trusted.

And I still have tooth-marks on my tongue.







Flirting With Potatoes


I think I have a problem…

I’ve been doing the keto thing since May of last year.  It hasn’t been without its ups and downs, but far more ups, than downs.

Lately, though…I’ve found more and more entries in my food tracking spreadsheet…

yes, I’m an Excel Junkie – if it needs monitoring, it goes on a spreadsheet

…for potatoes.

When the boys of the Beltempest had their live show – we had burgers & fries for dinner at the bar.  No bun on the burger – and I didn’t eat all the fries…but I had SOME.

For S’s birthday celebration, we went down to Mainstream Bar & Grill – again, for burgers & fries.  Still no bun on the burger – but them sweet potato fries ended up once again on my plate and in my stomach.

Earlier in the week, the kids made their dinner, and on the menu were tater tots.  I snuck 4.


Last night – it was time to once again replenish my sock drawer – so it was off to the laundromat.  Laundry always equates takeout.  I went to Jimmy John’s for one of their unwiches (meats, cheeses etc…wrapped in lettuce instead of a loaf of bread) – and bought a bag of potato chips.

Ate the whole thing.

Oh…the shame…


I’ve only myself to blame.  Potatoes are my Kryptonite  carb-bomb…and I’m reaching for comfort foods again for a variety of reasons.

It’s coming up on the Fiscal Year End at work (for those who work in accounting – I apologize for making you shudder) so the tension level in the office is high.

My boss is once again in one of HER moods, which translates down into even higher stress levels, because flying to the Left Coast to slap some sense into her would result in both being fired and arrested.

Spring is TRYING to come to Wisconsin, but Mother Nature is a biploar bitch and has tripped out off her meds again.  The continual warm, cold, warm, cold cycles play merry havoc with my sensitivity to the Natural.  It doesn’t know if it’s time come out of winter hibernation or not…so mystical energies are at their all-time low.  There’s nothing to reach for to replenish my personal stock against the weather cycles.

And…I’ve been in a keto stall for about a month.  The pants aren’t getting any tighter, but they aren’t getting any baggier, either.

Are you SURE I can’t just sleep until after March 31st?


European 4 in 1 Chainmaille Weave


It’s a lovely little weave – most chainmail enthusiasts will call it the ‘beginners weave of beginner’s weaves.’  A LOT of folks start their maille-crafting with this one.

It’s easy enough, I’ll give it that.  Each center-ring in the pattern goes through 4 other rings (which is why it’s called 4 in 1).  It’s easy enough to expand the single-length chain into a sheet weave by adding new rows to your existing one.  You can even collapse a 3-ring strand of it in on itself, add a 2nd row of center rings to stitch up the back and make a box chain out of it.

People usually use this versatile pattern to make all the maille wear you see – shirts, belts, gloves & skirts. Making this weave into an expanding circle will give you the bottom for dice bags and the tops of coifs (those maille caps worn under a more solid helmet).  Some people make thick chokers from this pattern, and because of the extreme flexibility of this weave, you can use it for sculptural applications as well, making triangular patches to stitch together.  Most of the folk doing inlay work (think cross-stitch with little metal rings instead of embroidery knots) also use E 4-1 as their main pattern.

A whirly group shot

My Whirly pattern is based off a slightly bastardized version of E 4-1.

European 4 in 1 is the common textile sheet of the chainmaille world.

Now…I’ve only been doing chainmaille for a year and a half, and I’ve only ever built a E 4-1 chain twice.  Both were single-strand lengths of chain, and I hated them both.

At the single-strand formation, the end rings are waaaaay too flippy.  They pop out of place.  They twist backwards.  The weave is NOT stable.

I started mailling instead with byzantine – another beginner’s pattern (and still a pattern I love to this day), and went forward from that into circular chains (the Persian and Turkish lines, mainly) because those are patterns are all stable within a short length.  You can even make a box chain by starting with Byzantine instead of E 4-1.  And, damn it…Byzantine is easier to freaking TYPE.

Chainmaille Dragon Face close in

Well, I’ve wanted to make wings for my little dragon for quite some time…because a dragon just HAS to have wings.  It’s what makes him so majestic and terrifying and stuff.  A dragon without wings has more in common with a horse or a dog than a flying, fire-breathing, terrifying reptile swooping down out of the sky like death on wings.  So I sat myself down this weekend, and decided to make a patch of this ever-so-versatile weave to see if that would get the job done.


Remember, I said E 4-1 can fold over onto itself and make a box chain once you stitch up the back end…so the burning question that sat me down to tackle this versatile-but-I-don’t-like-it weave was:  What would happen if I boxed up individual 3-row sections of the sheet weave?  In my head, I could see such a configuration looking a LOT like the skeletal structure within wings.

So I sat down this weekend, and wove my first sections of E 4-1 sheet.  2 sheets of rings 6 sets-of-3 wide by 27 rows deep.  350-ish rings per patch.  Just the right size for my little dragon to have wings.

I must say, I have to revise my position on the weave.  In a sheet, the entire pattern stabilizes.  The thing no longer wants to curl up, the ends no longer flip-flop around like a fish on the deck.

But the whole box chain within E 4-1 thing?  Well…that needs some more work.   Guess my imagination is more vivid than the rings will allow me…

Dragon Wings:  1.   Me:  0.  

For now

700-ish rings now locked in a pattern with no place to go but the ‘Well, THAT didn’t work’ pile, and no real will to tear it all out.

Maybe I’ll stitch the pair together and make a coaster out of it…someday.