Slinkys, Shoes, the color Green, and Amazon






The trees are starting to leaf again.










The tiny little bluebells (at least, I think they’re bluebells…) are blue-belling their happy little selves out from the soil.  Flowering shrubbery is finally living up to its name, and the birds are extremely relieved their seasons-senses didn’t actually betray them.


As an aside, I did see a robin standing in (to them) belly-deep white stuff a couple of weeks ago, glaring in the way that birds can glare with their black eyes, insisting (again, in the way that birds do) I – PERSONALLY – get rid of this white crap and dig out some tasty worms.  I may have actually imagined the robin saying (in a chirpy voice, nonetheless) What.  The.  Actual.  FUCK????

The slinky has officially started down the stairs in Wisconsin.

To celebrate, I looked at new shoes on Amazon, as I’m starting to feel the pavement a bit too keenly in my old pair.  True to the power of their awesome algorithms, they’ve sent me this recommendation based on my browsing history:


Ok, I admit I looked at ladies shoes.  Probably because that’s the style of plumbing I currently use within my body to handle liquid waste products.  And, stereotypically, ladies wear makeup (although I do have a few friends who are decidedly male and slather on the war paint).  But I’m dying to know how wandering through the shoe selection of Amazon results in skin care?

Honestly, I expected them to send me a recommendation for those stiletto-heeled, thigh-high, platform, patent pleather boots again.

Guess I’ll just be satisfied with this silly sign I saw in one of the downtown resale shops…





Wordless? Wednesday

Hey…look at that!  They’ve got a nifty day of the week where bloggers are just supposed to post pictures, without any of those complex verbs, nouns, or conjunctions.

Oops…I dun did wurds.  My bad…

I did get to walk to work yesterday.  The weather was supposed to be a bit damp and chill in the morning, but nicer for the walk home…so I braved it out, a couple of layers in the morning that I could stuff in the backpack on the way home.


I just about froze my ass off…which may have been a good thing for the whole weight loss thing…but not so good for the actual walk home.

But, I survived, and managed to find one interesting thing to point my camera at while I was at it.

Future Sign Flag

I’m still giggling over this…because all I can hear every time I look at this picture is

“Someday…when I’m ALLLLL growed up!!!”


Don’t Tell ANYONE!

Especially the little old lady who’s in charge of the weather…I’ve come to the time in my year when I start obsessively watching the weather…


And I’ve got a couple of days this week where I should be able to hoof it to work again!


Yea, I’m pretty excited at the prospect of once again pounding the pavement before and after I spend 8 hours in an office chair staring at the spreadsheets from hell.

One of the nicer hells, though…not the 7th…

So watch this space…you never know what I’m gonna find when I’m out in the wild 😀


journey copy

Notice of Retraction

I must needs print a retraction on one of my earlier posts:  Art Abandonment Project:  9th drop

I CLEARLY remember typing out that Wisconsin only had 2 seasons.  I have realized, now, the depth of my mistake.  We don’t have 2 seasons…we have 11, as illustrated in the below meme.

I can only apologize profusely at my serious lapse in judgement here at the T&T, and beg the readership to accept my word that it will NEVER happen again.

ALL the seasons

The Green Room

I do believe it’s starting to get warmer out there.


Granted, it’s only the end of February, and I’m sure that Mother Nature has been off her meds the entire month…but it will actually be warm enough to WALK TO WORK tomorrow.

I’ve been stuck in the car all winter long…and I really, REALLY miss my quiet time before and after work.

Maybe I’ll see how well my little plastic buddy has fared through the cold winter months.


In the meantime…there’s an apartment complex I walk past on my way to and from my car every day…they have this little shrubbery




that the building owners keep decorated for the season.  Seeing how the next holiday coming up is St. Patty’s day (a big one in a state that accepts any excuse to drink beer!) so I stopped and grabbed a couple of photos.  It’s not Monty Python…but it’ll do.



Flirting With Potatoes


I think I have a problem…

I’ve been doing the keto thing since May of last year.  It hasn’t been without its ups and downs, but far more ups, than downs.

Lately, though…I’ve found more and more entries in my food tracking spreadsheet…

yes, I’m an Excel Junkie – if it needs monitoring, it goes on a spreadsheet

…for potatoes.

When the boys of the Beltempest had their live show – we had burgers & fries for dinner at the bar.  No bun on the burger – and I didn’t eat all the fries…but I had SOME.

For S’s birthday celebration, we went down to Mainstream Bar & Grill – again, for burgers & fries.  Still no bun on the burger – but them sweet potato fries ended up once again on my plate and in my stomach.

Earlier in the week, the kids made their dinner, and on the menu were tater tots.  I snuck 4.


Last night – it was time to once again replenish my sock drawer – so it was off to the laundromat.  Laundry always equates takeout.  I went to Jimmy John’s for one of their unwiches (meats, cheeses etc…wrapped in lettuce instead of a loaf of bread) – and bought a bag of potato chips.

Ate the whole thing.

Oh…the shame…


I’ve only myself to blame.  Potatoes are my Kryptonite  carb-bomb…and I’m reaching for comfort foods again for a variety of reasons.

It’s coming up on the Fiscal Year End at work (for those who work in accounting – I apologize for making you shudder) so the tension level in the office is high.

My boss is once again in one of HER moods, which translates down into even higher stress levels, because flying to the Left Coast to slap some sense into her would result in both being fired and arrested.

Spring is TRYING to come to Wisconsin, but Mother Nature is a biploar bitch and has tripped out off her meds again.  The continual warm, cold, warm, cold cycles play merry havoc with my sensitivity to the Natural.  It doesn’t know if it’s time come out of winter hibernation or not…so mystical energies are at their all-time low.  There’s nothing to reach for to replenish my personal stock against the weather cycles.

And…I’ve been in a keto stall for about a month.  The pants aren’t getting any tighter, but they aren’t getting any baggier, either.

Are you SURE I can’t just sleep until after March 31st?
